Old School Wisdom



Our Mission

Revolutionize the new patient experience, expand our profession, and grow your practice.

Old School Wisdom: The Book (and video)

Grow patients who stay, pay, and refer, and refer, and refer.

Dr. Finn showing the benefits of using chiropractic care

Wouldn’t it be great to have a friendly elder spokesman meet with patients at home and on your behalf? Dr. Finn explains the basics and prepares patients for their report of findings. That way, as one doctor put it, “patients come to their appointments with a much better foundation of chiropractic care.”


Dr. Finn takes on the pathogenic nature of vertebral subluxation and clearly differentiates corrective care as opposed to only symptom relief.

About Dr. Jeffry Finnigan

An image of Chiropractic and Consultant Dr. Jeffry Finnigan

Dr. Jeffry Finnigan has enjoyed a long career in chiropractic, serving the community of Olympia, Washington in his nearly 40 year career. After retiring from daily practice, it was evident that Dr. Finn still had a lot to give to the chiropractic community. His latest book, Old School Wisdom, is the natural extension of his efforts to help the chiropractic profession grow and enable individual doctors to enjoy greater success.


Dr. Finnigan Fast Facts

  •  Produced a TV quality film featuring Mike Connors
  •  Created 3 television shows on KSTW, Seattle
  •  Hosted Healthy Wealthy and Wise Radio Show on KOMO
  •  Best-selling author of Life Beyond Headaches

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Copyright 2016 Old School Wisdom

Dr. Finn showing the benefits of using chiropractic care
An image of Chiropractic and Consultant Dr. Jeffry Finnigan
Dr. Finn showing the benefits of using chiropractic care
An image of Chiropractic and Consultant Dr. Jeffry Finnigan